Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Round # 2.

We met with the Neurosurgeon for round #2 today.  He will more than likely doing a biopsy next week via surgery.  Dr. was to study the films today with the radiologist to determine if the Radiologist would be able to biopsy the tissue around the large mass and come up with enough to determine what we all need to know. We were supposed to get a call either tonight or tomorrow morning with the decision from the Neurosurgeon and the radiologist and so far we haven't heard anything. Which means they could call in the morning and may of decided to do the needle biopsy and off we go again. 

However, the Dr. felt pretty confident that the best way is to go in surgically and get the tissue.  So more than likely next week we will be doing the surgery.  Randy is comfortable with the decision of the dr's and is more than ready to get an answer and get some treatment going.  The Neuro mentioned that the Radiation would benefit him to help relieve the pain since the meds are really not completely doing their job.  That of course, is after the diagnosis.

We appreciate all the prayers that are constantly going out on his behalf.  Keep them coming!  We need a miracle.   I'll be in touch....




  1. But He said, “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.” (Luke 18:27)

  2. So glad for this forum!

    thinkin of you all!

  3. checking in ...sharing in the unknowns..
