Friday, December 31, 2010

Challenging Day

We have been so blessed with encouragement, prayers and support.  I opened up the front door this morning and there was a package from Amazon.  I was wracking my brain trying to remember what I ordered - but it was a surprise from a great friend from back where we used to live.  It was a book entitled "Plan B" - What to do when God doesn't show up the way you thought he would by Pete Wilson.  Thank you Frank W.  I actually read the first couple of chapters setting at the hosp. today.  You sent him to me just when I needed to hear it most! 

Another miserable night last night for R.  They set him up with a Morphine drip and he could push the little button every 10 minutes.  What were they thinking?  I think the pharmacist has never been in severe pain and had no clue that if you want the medication you have to stay awake to push the stupid button!!  Needless to say when he called me this morning - he had been up all night and to let me know the pain was still horrible -  I was quite upset and made it known that something had to change.  So after my arrival and a visit from our wonderful Oncology dr..... we got it switched - but it took until about 11:00 a.m.  So many dr.s and so many opinions on what should happen.  He is now on a stronger pain medication and they have "blasted" him twice today with a heavy dose to keep the pain level to where it's not as sharp - but it's still there.  He was sleeping peacefully when I left.  I hope he stays that way.   

It's been a very trying couple of days.  I thank my wonderful kids for being such a blessing to me.  My daughter - always thinking of me and checking on me - bringing me food - sending me little messages when she can't be there.  My son - always wiser beyond his years - thank you son for the messages and phone calls and always being available even though you are a little ways from here... thank you both for being so easy to love and communicate with - This is very hard on all of us - but we are going to get through all the trials placed before us and we'll come out on the other side better because of it. 

Pray for R to have a better day tomorrow.  No talk of how long we are going to be there this time at this point. 

1 comment:

  1. So glad you have such great kids! A reflection of their parents..
