The day started off with very little sleep last night. It seems like there was one thing after the other here at the house. We had some visitors and then we had to make the arrangements. If you missed the previous blog the arrangements are under this blog. By evening - I was ready to get out of the house for a bit. I haven't been hardly anywhere since R got the "C" word back in December.
It is very strange to not have him here. I keep telling myself he's in such a better place. Our "nearly" 5 year old grandaughter told her parents today: "I'm sorry that your dad died, and I'm sad that my grandpa died, but hopefully grandma didn't die". How precious is that???? Our youngest grandaughter walked in and ask where Grandpa was - she threw me off guard and once I swallowed the 100# weight in my throat I told her that Grandpa went to Heaven. She thought about it momentarily and said "Let's go play in the toyroom." As far as I know our oldest grandson at 3.5 has not even ask - even though he was at the "family meeting" at his house this morning. And Little Man - too young to remember.
We have our day filled up tomorrow as we prepare for the next few days. Praying for sleep tonight - and strength for the upcoming days. Thank you to all who have sent a note of encouragement. It means alot to me.
Your "Little man" did tell me today, "my grandpa died" and I told him "yes, he did"....and that was that. Guess he just wanted to share that with me. With my older, little man I had more questions to stumble through...but made it. Thank you, God for the strength when it's needed! Missing you all. God's strength be with you in the trying days ahead. See you soon! Love to you all!!!