Monday, April 4, 2011

I think it's only fair to let all of our faithful followers know what has been going on for the last couple of days.
R's ugly disease is working overtime to gain control of him.  He's been very tired the last couple of days. He's been in and out of sleep and not talking much at all.  He has had no appetite. We are doing our best to keep him as comfortable as possible.  He says he is not in pain. He was very restless last night and I hope his night tonight is better with the anxiety medication.  Had I known that would of worked for the restlessness I would of jumped right into that last night.  I need to get some sleep while he is resting well at the moment.  I think I maybe got 3 hours last night.   

Please continue to pray for all of us.  Pray for comfort and peace for R.  Pray for him to continue to be pain free and that he does not suffer in any way. We appreciate each and everyone of you - Your support and prayers mean tons to all of us.  I only hope I can report something much better to you tomorrow. 

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