R started his day with a couple of friends who brought breakfast for them to enjoy. He said it was good food and good company. I'm thankful for those who keep coming to spend time with R. I came home for lunch and he was still full from breakfast. Which was unusual - usually he's starving and ready to eat the minute someone mentions food.
This afternoon he was supposed to take a nap so maybe he could stay up past 7 - but that didn't happen. I think he was watching all that basketball on TV today. So that being said - he was in bed by 7:30 and fell into a deep sleep and it was pretty tough to wake him for his medicine and change his dressing. He got irritated with me when I did wake him up. I keep telling myself it will all look better in the morning. Unfortunately he won't remember this happened in the morning.
His legs were giving him fits this morning - but they did improve a little during the day. The extra meds may be helping that issue. He had a couple of headaches today. He managed to step outside this afternoon and set briefly on the swing to enjoy a little bit of the warm air today. He was asking at lunch today where we could go - Not sure how much he can handle - a brief trip last night literally was more than he could handle. The visions are there - but the reality of it is not. I would love to take him anywhere he wanted to go if only he could.
Prayer is not only "the practice of the presence of God," it is the realization of His presence."
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