Sunday, March 6, 2011

We started the day pretty early today again.  I'm not so sure he's been sleeping the greatest -- lately I've been passed out and subsconciously watching him with one eye open one eye closed and as long as he's not needing anything I don't move other than getting that midnight pill into him. He's had a pretty decent morning.  We hosted our sunday school class this morning and it was so good to see everyone - it's been awhile since we've been at church.  We hope we get to see everyone again soon.  

He took a little nap this afternoon - had some good company - enjoyed our two oldest grandkids for a bit. Our son in law took R out for an errand and he snuck back in the house with a Shamrock Shake.  His sweet tooth just doesn't quit. 

The nurse came tonight to resolve an issue he was having. Following that ordeal  he was ready to end the day.   Pray for us as we begin a new week.  A new week of never knowing what will come to us day to day. We hope it's nothing but good.  Be a joy germ to someone out there.  :)

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