Thursday, March 31, 2011

R started his day early with his cinnamon raisin toast at 5 a.m.  An hour later than normal....  :)  However...he woke up with a pretty good headache.  So I gave him the 3-T's :  Tea, Toast & Tylenol.  The headache subsided a little later - thank goodness.  I came home from work at lunch time and he seemed a little on the downside from what I left this morning. He had visited this morning with a good friend.  He has really come to enjoy the visits with KS alot.   It's more than the goodies he brings every so often - but today it was talk through lunch about how good the Oatmeal is that came from McDonalds.

He rested following lunch - at least he said he did - then he had some company followed by my parents fixing a wonderful dinner of mashed pot/gravy, baked chicken and salad and cherry pie. Momma's cooking is always wonderful!

After dinner - it didn't take R long to get to his bed and he fell asleep and I worked for an hour to wake him up to get his 9:00 meds into him.  He was super tired and didn't want me to even talk to him.  He was agitated with me but I kept on. Once I got him awake - he did take his meds and now working on getting him settled down for the night. He is experiencing another headache and says he has the start of a sore throat. I hope that just gently disappears by morning.  We don't need another thing for him to deal with.

 Pray for him to wake up tomorrow and have a super day.  He told me a few days ago that the last of the week and the weekend was going to be great so I should be prepared.  I pray daily for the courage, strength and understanding of it all.  Just when I think I'm prepared the reality is always right around the corner staring at me.  I just hope I am preparing for some great days of him feeling better and gaining some strength.

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