Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sort of a busy day for R.  He had some good company to share breakfast with today along with other company this morning and afternoon.  I drove him to get our Taxes done - he did pretty well - but was very tired when we returned.  One more thing off the "list".  Grateful to be getting some of the stuff taken care of.

 Anybody have any ideas how to speed up the healing process with this hole in his back????  The draining is "draining" all of us.  It's going to have to be addressed tomorrow with the Visiting Nurse and we'll see what the dr. says.  I've heard it takes a long time - and it is looking better - but let's speed up the closing of this incision.  

R's been feeling pretty much the same.  We got some medication for the tingly legs, hands and feet - he says it doesn't really help.  His pain level is very good.  He was upset we didn't follow through with the pain pack last week - but --- he has only taken one of two different pain pills.  We keep asking him if he needs a pain pill but so far so good.   May that continue to be the case.

We are blessed, encouraged and inspired daily in many ways.  Thank you!!  

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if the incision has to be treated differently because of spinal fluid but I know that pumping high protein helps as well as vitamin c. They had me do a wet to dry pack on my incision. There are many protein items that taste great as well as the powders to shakes. I was told I needed an extra 50 to 100g of protein a day and they need to be whey isolates or egg proteins.
